It becomes possible to recognise how serious a general crisis has become when the hierarchical ‘establishment‘ elites of such societies can no longer successfully ‘cover up’ crimes against humanity and must therefore either deny they are occuring or clamp down heavily on those trying to hold the elite accountable for their actions or inactions. Four out of the many such cover-ups and clamp downs in the last several decades have been running concurrently this last six months or so. In the US, the UK, Europe and elsewhere the first three are a) the Covid Pandemic debacle and cover-up’s; b) the UK Infected blood purchase and subsequent cover-up’s; and c) again in the UK the Post Office production of false accounting evidence, cover up and convictions against UK Post Office personnel.

These three have all been serious crimes by the establishment elite against the humanity of their own citizens in terms of their health, livelihoods and even of life itself. These actions and inactions were all initially denied and anyone challenging the official cover-up narratives were vilified and silenced before eventually the criminality of the ‘establishment’ became impossible to deny. Each of these long running incompetences caused serious loss of life, health and income and were malignly ‘covered-up’ or whistleblowers clamped down upon for very class-based elite purposes. The purposes were in order to try to mask the fact that the ruling elite establishments in politics, business, finance and public administration, are not only substantially incompetent but also morally deficient. They felt the cover-ups were necessary because the two characteristics of competence and upright morality are their chief – and only – claims that justify their elite status and pay.

The fourth current issue now exposing the true character of the international elite is the long-term denial and cover-up of the crimes against humanity occurring in the Occupied Territories of West Bank and Gaza in Palestine. The elite establishments of the US, UK, Europe and elsewhere have for decades obscured the savagery of occupation or justified their support for Israel’s ongoing colonial style war of dispossesion of the people of Palestine. Typical of all colonial elites the Jewish elites in Israel have long blamed their victims in Palestine for any brutal resistance to the brutal Jewish occupation and dispossession of their lands, buildings and water aquifers. Of course the unnecessary brutality of one side does not justify the unnecessary brutality of the other side. But in the case of Palestinian resistance to armed occupation by the Israeli armed forces, the west long ago decided to apply double standards.

So now Palestinian resistance to Jewish occupation is judged by the Jewish and Christian supporters of Israel differently than European resistance to the German occupation of European countries was in 1939 – 45. And differently than Asian resistance to Japan was during the Japanese occupation of Asian countries. Palestinian resistance to Israeli armed occupation is also judged differently than Ukrainian resistance to the armed occupations of parts of Ukraine by Russian troops. In the minds of the international elites their judgement of actions by other countries elites largely depends upon which team of colonisers and exploiters they are allied with.

The Israeli elite are clearly on the side of team NATO headed by the US, UK and Europe; whereas the Palestinian elite and the people of Palestine are not. NATO is an unequal alliance of mainly western pro-capitalist elites who have combined their armed forces to ensure that their own pecunary interests, along with economic, financial or mineral exploitation rights around the globe are protected from seizure by rival countries and from the previous indigenous exercisers of those rights. Israel has long been ‘team NATO’s’ crucial middle eastern armed outpost. Added to this elite collaboration of western based capitalists and pro-capitalist elites there are also three other fear factors motivating continued western elite support for Israel.

From the perspective of the various financial and political elites within NATO those three factors are fear of the removal of financial backing, removal of political voting power by the Jewish diaspora and the fear of being labelled anti-semitic. All of these human factors when sufficiently motivated can be used to effect the election results, the careers and status of those employed in politics, media and education. Since the end of the Second World War in 1945, the memory of the Nazi inspired genocidal holocaust and murderous blitzkrieg against what its elites considered were lesser human beings, has resulted in the provision of legal and moral constraints. In an attempt to prevent further crimes against humanity the populations once de-humanised by Nazi categories have been given the protection of a law and a moral obligation for other peoples to treat them as equals. These measures were introduced as attempts to prevent further severe crimes against humanity, later described as genocide.

The statutes against crimes against humanity and genocide, were embodied in the founding principles of the International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice and are now being activated against Israel and Hamas, by South African elites and others. Furthermore, as a result of the Nazi holocaust against them, the Jewish people in particular were also accorded a considerable degree of sympathy and a general humanitarian resolve to end future prejudice against Jewish people. Therefore In the immediate aftermath of that Second World War, the expression ‘never again’ became a generic sentiment expressed against any future attempt at annihilating an entire people, but it also became a particular focus in relationship to the often tragic history of the Jewish people.

Sadly, the generic aspect of that sentiment has been overlooked to such an extent that in fact in 2024 a form of genocide is happening once again. This time the most hideous crimes possible against a section of humanity are being perpetrated by a country populated almost entirely by Jewish people and which classifies itself as the ‘Jewish’ State of Israel. Of course, because mass killing (genocide) against humanity is so unnatural for a species and is so universally obnoxious, that no perpetrator of genocide ever admits to perpetrating it. The Nuremberg trials of the Nazi hierarchy demonstrated this tendency of denial emphatically. Some Nazi elites claimed they were only engaged in legitimate (!) acts of war, others that they were simply following orders. It cannot be expected therefore, that the Jewish elites in political and military control of Israel will admit to carrying out a genocidal extermination of the people of Palestine in Gaza or elsewhere. True to form, they too are vigourously denying it and claiming what they are doing is just another legitimate form of warfare.

Furthermore, the machinations of the capitalist dominated hierarchical mode of production have also placed the non-Israeli western elites belonging to NATO in the centre of an obvious massive scandal and contradiction. They have now placed themselves between, on the one hand, a legal and moral code against genocide which they agreed to be bound by; and on the other hand, the fact that an ally of theirs, Israel, is openly and repeatedly perpetrating multiple acts of genocide. Stupidly they have dug themselves further into a deep quagmire of their own making by parroting the same puerile tactic of denial as Israel and the Jews who support their elite have. To openly deny what practically everyone has clearly witnessed on their Television screens since October 7th 2023, is further evidence of their immorality and professional incompetence. Only intellectually or morally impaired people can attempt to deny what is clearly obvious to anyone not blinded by self-interested prejudice.

Unlike other previous genocidal type war activities by the western elites, this time it has been impossible to effectively cover it up. By assassinating journalists, media people and removing crime scene evidence, particularly in Gaza, attempts have been made by the Jewish military to eliminate or at least reduce incriminating evidence. This tactic alongside a strategy of obviously false claims concerning the war guilt of the men, women and children of Gaza’s civilian population has only made the genocidal intent and execution more obvious. In addition the arms and high explosive bombs supplied to Israel by the elite supporters within the NATO alliance has also further sunk these European and Western elites into the mire they have created by becoming active accessories to the perpetrators of the crime of genocide. Arrest warrants have now been applied for those in the leadership positions of Israel and Hamas and whether they will be granted and served remains to be seen.

The guilty elites in question may be powerful enough and wield enough influence currently to avoid the legal consequences of their obvious guilt, but they are not influential enough to avoid the moral condemnation of current and future generations. It must be an uncomfortable fact for them to consider that nearly eighty years after the Nazi holocaust perpetrated in Germany, the German people as a whole have only just begun to overcome the ignominy and guilt cast upon them by a previous generations complicity in the attempted extermination of the Jews throughout Nazi occupied Europe. Make no mistake about it, that long term example of global damage to the reputation of the German people for conducting or endorsing by silence severe crimes against humanity is a precursor of what is yet to come. The overwhelming Jewish support in Israel and elsewhere for the actual and attempted extermination of the entire Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank will mean that the Jews of Israel and their international supporters will also carry the deep and damaging stain of this latest crime against humanity – for at least another generation – and perhaps even more.

In the history of humanity and its recurrent ancient and medieval religious wars instigated by Christian elites, Muslim elites and Jewish elites, and particularly those infamously highlighted in European history as the numerous Crusades have lived on in infamy for almost a thousand years. The genocidal war of a powerfully armed Jewish State with bunker-busting bombs dropped upon the homes and schools of the non-combattant Palestinian citizens of Gaza and the West Bank in the 21st century will stand out just as starkly in the subsequent modern history of the human species. This blitzkrieg on Gaza, along with the Covid death toll, the infected blood scandal and the UK post office persecutions will also be blights upon the character of all those in the elite and those who supported them, who did not uphold the ancient humanist golden rule of; ‘do not do to others and their loved ones, what you would not want done to yourself and your loved ones.

Roy Ratcliffe (May 2024.)

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