The recent US helicopter or aircraft pallet ‘bombing’ of Gaza with some paltry bundles of aid, and the latest panic stricken idea of building a temporary floating port off Gaza has nothing to do with saving what is left of the people of Palestine. As proof of this the US geriatric self-professed Zionist president and his team of elite advisors have openly declared they are going to carry on sending bombs, rockets and other military supplies to enable the Israeli government to finish the Genocidal job they and the other Zionist authoritarian citizens started back in October 2023.

That is no secret. The openly declared long term aim of Zionism is not a secret either, it has always been its mission to entirely eliminate the Palestinian people from the land of Palestine by whatever tactical means they could get away with. The current tactic is a second Nakba in the form of a Gaza genocide. The long term aim of the US led Genocidal Alliance of European national elites is no secret either, it has always been to ally with and support a strong military state within the Middle East to ensure the economic, financial and resource interests of the western Anglo-Saxon elites are protected throughout the region.

All the rest of the current token gestures and diplomatic circus acts are part of pure political janus-faced theatre events unfolding in various scenes and Acts. Act 1, was the rush to give Israel everything it needed to execute the bombing, shelling and military invasion of Gaza. We are now witnessing Act 2 in which the level of atrocities carried on by the Jewish version of fascism in Act 1, were so extreme that the pretense of the national elites forming the Genocide Alliance of being representatives of enlightened democratic humanity was exposed as totally false.

The political elite actors of the US and European Genocidal Alliance understand they are playing their parts on a global stage in front of a fully engaged global audience, large numbers of whom are no longer fooled by the crocodile tears and the rehearsed vocal sincerity of economic, financial, political and military elites in western European countries. So their current performances in Act 2 of the sequel ‘Return of the Genocide’ part X, these elites are hoping to save face and save their economic interests by clutching at straws. The straws are the dropping of some plane loads of resource filled pallets and announcing a plan to drip feed maritime aid supplies to the people remaining alive in Gaza.

However, the fact that the elite sponsored Genocide Alliance members are still doing nothing to prevent the Israeli’s from getting on with their Zionist inspired ‘final solution’, reveals their complete insincerity. The straws will only convince those few who absolutely wish to be convinced. Furthermore, another developing situation reveals what is mainly motivating this slight change of tack, by Biden et al. The fact is that the US led financial and military power block also have their pro-capitalist rivals in the form of an alliance of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS). This is China dominated trading group who wish to supplant the Western Capitalist NATO Alliance as an alternative source of major economic partners.

Some countries already dissatisfied with the Western Alliance led by the US, Britain and Europe will be invited to join. The list of those already applying to join BRICS is interesting in regard to the current situation in Gaza and the corresponding antics of the US, UK and European political elite. They latest recruits to BRICS are; Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Most of the ordinary citizens of these countries have held massive demonstrations against Israel’s conduct toward Gaza and the West Bank and are critical of those who support Israel’s crimes against Palestinians. Since the capitalist mode of production is based upon world trade of buying and selling products and services, the attitude of BRICS country citizens over which countries goods, they will prefer to buy and whose countries they choose to visit will be crucial.

The probable creation of a formal or even an informal boycott of the goods and services of Israel and the NATO countries, is worrying the elites these countries. If in any Act 3 or Act 4, of this current theatre of the absurd and depravity, the citizens of BRICS countries begin to seriously boycott Israel and the west, this will mean a substantial loss of trade and subsequent profits. Taxes from trade and on profits is one of the guaranteed income sources from which the political and military hardware and elite salaries are funded. This global background of competition in economic production reveals that their change of tack is not a moral change of heart by the US led Genocide Alliance. It is simply the naked economic and financial concern of the current US, UK and European elites to maintain future profitable relationships. Consequently, they suddenly wish to appear not as heartless as they have been and as they really are.

Of course this feeble theatrical charade by Biden, Cameron, Macron and others will not save the US, UK and European elite from being substantially tainted with being members of the Israeli Genocidal Alliance Support Group. Their enthusiasm for Israeli Zionism has been too obvious and too consistent. Plus, they were already deeply mired in structural, financial, economic and political problems in their countries before Israel and its citizens commenced their own further rapid descent into inhumanity and notoriety. The US, UK and European support for Israel will merely help to deepen and extend the economic and social decent of these countries further. The elites in these Israeli support countries will have to turn the malice and indifference they have openly shown to the plight of the citizens of Gaza and the West Bank onto their own citizens.

The successive stages of the class war of managing austerity and social decay conducted by US, UK and European elites against their own citizens, will be intensified. The other victims of the current political theatricals and increased military spending are the rapidly increasing species extinctions, the rapidly changing climate stability and predictability, the continuing pollution of rivers, lakes, seas and air and the inevitable export of more novel viruses and pathogens disturbed from their usual animal and insect hosts. By evolutionary adaptation these zoonotic viruses will become strong enough to overcome the immune defences of present and future generations of humanity.

While the real crisis facing humanity is the current economic systems war against nature, the political crisis facing the elite classes is resulting in their concern to expand arms production and commodity production and increase their war against nature and humanity in general. The political and religious elites everywhere are clutching at straws in order to survive in positions of power and influence within their respective national or denominational communities. Meanwhile outside of the superficial theatres of religion and politics, life on earth, is increasingly facing potentially existential situations, of which these elites have little or no interest in understanding,  appreciating or saving.

Both areas of elite promoted ideology, politics and religion, were founded during the ancient hierarchical mass society developments some several thousand years ago and have consistently failed to recognise that changes in reality require a corresponding change in thinking and behaving. Hierarchical mass societies are producing and consuming more of the planets resources than the planets life forms can reproduce them. A forest can be felled for resource materials, in much less than a quarter of generation, but the volume of oxygen a forest can produce can only be replaced by a replacement forest which can take at least a generation to produce the same volume. The same goes for Oceanic Algae and plankton, these life forms and the benefits they provide can be damaged and depleted in much less than a generation, but cannot be replaced in anything like as quick a time.

Other key species such as insects and soil micro-organisms can be seriously depleted in less than one generation also  but again,  the role they play in plant based food production cannot be replaced as easily. Humanity, is now living beyond its means, and its means are not politics or religion but the continual species reproduction of the interconnected, interdependent, bio-chemical processes of life on earth – as a whole. The inhuman drama of political instigated wars, genocides and diplomacy are no less distractions than all current dramatic performances, but in real life these hierarchical performances will be never ending until the hierarchical mass society system that creates them is ended.

The hominid species culminating in Homo sapiens has existed for millions of years yet our species has only been playing politics and killing each other and all life forms for several thousand years. But in that relatively short  time it has built up the capacity to not only undermine the climate and ecological balance of the planet, but to undermine it’s own existence. Humanity led by hierachical mass society elites is, on a more huge and complex scale, doing the equivalent of collectively sitting half way along the branch off a mature tree and sawing the branch away at a point nearer the trunk than humanity is situated.

Metaphorically speaking, it is time to stop sawing and reflect on what our daily and yearly productive efforts are currently doing to the whole of planetary life and what will be the obvious outcome if we do not stop. To keep on letting the political and religious elites determine what we thinking and how we are producing and consuming is to invite more of the same and we know what more of the same leads to. It leads to politically created austerity, global financial crashes, globalised pandemics, globalised wars, the latest genocide in Gaza and possibly more to come and of course more of the elite political theatrical posturings.

Roy Ratcliffe ( March 2024)

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